Friday, January 12, 2024

I Miss My Mommy

On a day-to-day basis, I miss my mom. I think to text or call her, like, ALL the time. But some days, I really, REALLY miss my mom.

Today is one of those days. I want to talk to my mom about how much I have ended up needing my kids' approval. And how I will never have it from Maggie.

I will always be a disappointment to her. I will never impress her. 

It is what it is. 

And I know that it's too much to ask it of her. She's not my therapist or my mother. She's my child.

And I know my mom would understand my needing Maggie's approval anyway because I know that she spent the last half of her life desperately hoping that her children approved of her parenting choices. 

When Antonio was a toddler, she was carrying him, and she tripped on her flip-flop on the way to the car and she fell down and took him with her. He might have bonked his head, and he was quite upset. I was startled but not especially worried. My mom stood up as I was picking a crying Antonio up and the look of abject terror in her eyes when she apologized to me was heartbreaking. She was so incredibly scared that I would be angry with her for that little accident, for hurting my baby. I was not the least upset with her. Things happen. But god, the horrible fear in her frantic eyes will stay with me forever. 

My mom was a better mother than I could ever have been. And yet, she was afraid of my opinion of her. I told her she was ever so much better than me, but she didn't believe me. She somehow believed my half-assed, impatient, inadequate bullshit was somehow better than her effortless motherliness.

I never should have had children.

It Was a Stupid Idea Anyway

Just like the rest of my stupid ideas, trying acting was a stupid idea.

Maggie and I auditioned for a play together, and her tepid response tells me everything I needed to know. I really shouldn't bother doing this again.

She got her part.

I didn't get any of the three parts for which I was age-appropriate. If I had been the director, I wouldn't have cast me either.

And I'm not doing this again. 

The false kindness of encouraging everyone who comes out to audition is, in the long run, quite cruel. We are not talented. Just say so rather than wasting everyone's time. 

And now I have to be a big girl and a good mom and be excited for Maggie while I feel crushed and, even worse, stupid for ever thinking I could do this.

Panic! On the Sofa

 I'm not depressed. At least not yet.  But I have this pulling-in sensation that seems like it is a prelude to depression. I have gone t...